
Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Centen Families Monopoly Junior Full Review

By Charlene Centen

I think we have all heard of or played Hasbro's Monopoly one time or another, I read somewhere that Monopoly games have been entertaining families since 1935, It was one of my favorite games to play when I was a child, who doesn't enjoy a board game that allows you to make money! I have my own family of 3 girls now and sadly I never introduced them to the Monopoly game as of yet, so you can imagine my excitement when Influenster Canada choose me to be 1 of 2000 to receive a complimentary family board game of Monopoly Junior in my first VoxBox, their Hasbro Gaming VoxBox, I was so happy to be able to finally introduce my girls to the Monopoly brand.  

Once we finally received our Hasbro Gaming VoxBox we were all excited to see what was inside the box, and we were so excited to he sharing a family game night together. The first thing I noticed was a little yellow star on the top left hand corner of the box that says My First Monopoly Game, that made me even more excited because this is my girls first Monopoly Game, and I knew how much I loved Monopoly as a child so I knew they were in store for a treat, and we would make memories that will last a lifetime for all of us! My girls right away noticed the 4 character tokens, and they all decided right away which one they wanted to play the game as, my oldest daughter is 10 years old and she chose to be the dog, my middle daughter is 4 years old and she chose to be the cat, my youngest daughter is 2 years old and she chose to be car, so that left me to be the boat.  This game is recommend for ages 5+ and warns that it is a choking hazard because of the small parts and is NOT for children under 3 years old so my husband and my 2 year old were team members. I was not worried either that my 4 year old would not be able to play because she is very smart for her age so I knew she would be fine, I actually feel like the age should say 4+ but that is just me.

Monopoly Junior Contents

1 Instruction Manual

1 Game Board

4 Character Tokens

20 Chance Cards

48 Character Sold Signs

90 x $1 Monopoly Money

4 Who's Your Token? Character Cards

1 Die 

Monopoly Junior has a smaller game board them Monopoly, and instead of Street names there are kid friendly places like the Skate Park, the Bowling Alley, and Ice Cream parlor to name a few. Some of the attractions you'll remember from other Monopoly games are Go, Go To Jail, the Jail, Free Parking, and the Chance spaces.

Setting up the game is very easy as well, you place the game board in the middle of the table. Read the 4 character cards to find out a little tidbit about each character and use this information to choose the character you wish to play with, after that you may set those cards aside because you will not need them to play during the game. All players will then place what ever character token they chose to be on the game board on Go. Find the 12 sold signs that match the character token you chose and place them in front of you. Shuffle the 20 chance cards up and place them facing down on the chance space on the board game. Pick one player to be the banker, the banker looks after all the money, they will give each player the required amount of money to begin the game, if you are playing a 2 player game the banker will give each player $20, if you are playing a 3 player game the banker will give each player $18, if you are playing a 4 player game the banker will give each player $16. The banker will also collect money owed to the bank, and play out money from the bank when required to.

Playing the game only takes about 20-30 mins to play a full game, and the rules and goals are very easy to follow even for the younger children. It says to let the youngest player start first then the next person on the left side of the youngest player goes next. Each player will take turns rolling the dice and moving their character token forward never back in the direction of the Go arrow. The goal of the game is to go around the game board, when you land on an unowned space on the game board you must pay the amount listed on that space to own it, and make sure to put 1 of your 12 character sold signs on the property so everyone knows you own that property, and every time a person lands on any of the properties you purchased they must pay you the amount listed on that space. The same goes for when you land on a property another player owns you must pay them the amount listed on that space they call this paying rent. If you happen too land on a space owned by yourself you are safe, do nothing. If a player owns both properties in the same color side by side rent must be paid to them double the amount listed on their property. Every time a player passes or lands on go the bank must pay them $2. If you land on a Chance ? space you must pick up the top chance card, read it loud enough for everyone to hear then follow what it tells you to do, when you are done place that card at the bottom of the chance card pile. If you land on the go to jail space you must go straight to jail, you do not get to go pass go which means you do not get paid the $2 this time around, when it is your turn again you must pay $1 to the bank to get out of jail, unless you have the chance card that allows you to get out of jail free you then may get out of jail without paying the fee, when you are done with that chance card place that card at the bottom of the chance card pile. Then you may roll and move as usual, when you are in jail you can still be paid rent. If you just land on the jail space while going a round the board you are just visiting so you do not need to pay any fees. The Free Parking space, is a free space because nothing happens to you when you land on it just take a break. That is all that is to it, you keep playing like this until someone goes bankrupt.

The game is over 1 of 3 things happen, when the first player does not have enough money to pay rent when they land on another players property, or when a person doesn't have enough money to buy a property they land on, or a player does not have enough money to pay a Chance card fee, this makes you bankrupted! To determine who won, the other players must all count their money, and the player with the most money wins. In the event the game is tied all the tied players must count up how much all their properties are worth, you will find the amounts on the properties space on the game board and you then add that value to your money, the person with the highest total is the winner.

Advanced play, once you have figured out the standard way of playing Monopoly Junior you may choose to play the advance version of the game, you follow the same rules but when you come upon 1 of the 3 issues you would go bankrupted in the normal game you use your owned property to pay the debt, so if you can't afford pay rent to another player one of your properties becomes theirs. If you owe the bank one of your properties goes back on the market. If you don't have enough money to pay a Chance card fee you also use your property to settle it with the bank or another player. If you run out of money and properties to clear your debt you are bankrupted and the other players must following the same rules as the normal play game to determine a winner. 

Our Final Thoughts On Monopoly Junior 

My 10 year old daughter says Monopoly Junior is very fun to play with your family. She thinks the rules are very easy to follow, and the money being only $1 makes it very easy to count it. Her favorite thing about the game is buying properties. She says if she could change something about the game she would like to have more chance cards, and chance spaces added to the game. The only thing she says she dislikes is it is HARD to beat her little sister! She gives Monopoly Junior a rating of 5/5.

My 4 year old daughter says Monopoly Junior is a very fun game to play, she really likes it, and would like to play it everyday. She has quite a few favorite things about this game, she loves winning the game, she likes counting her money, she loves buying properties, and she really loves when people land on her properties because they have to pay her rent and that makes her more money. She said if she could change something about the game she would like there to be more character tokens because there are only 4 and our family has 5 members in it, she would like for us all to be able to play as our own characters. The only thing she says she dislikes is when you have to go to jail! She also gives Monopoly Junior a rating of 5/5.

I personally love this game, and I enjoyed every time I have played it with my children it is so nice to make family memories together with them. I am so thankful to Influenster Canada for giving us this game to share together, we play this game over and over and it never gets old seeing my children playing the game with big smiles on their faces is priceless. I also love that this game is educational as it gets my children counting the dice, counting spaces, and counting money. It is also very convenient as it doesn't take too long to play a full game so even nights when I feel there is no time and my children beg to play it I know that I can make the time to play a game or two in under a hour. The only things I can think of that I dislike about this game is that you have to purchase every property you land on, this takes away from being able to practice money management skills, I found this really frustrated my children when they were running low on money because they knew they were losing and they wanted to stop it but couldn't. The other thing I disliked is that the money was all $1 it is great for the children because it is easy for them to count single dollars but I just wished they added more dollar amounts like maybe $5, so they children could learn some more amounts to count in money. Other then that this game is great and I would recommend it to anyone with children ages 4 and up even though the box says 5+, my 4 year old is very good at this game so good she won every time we have played, she is undefeated, which scares me a great deal for when she finally loses! If I could change somethings about the game I would make the game board a little bigger by adding some more properties, I would make it for more players, make it a choice to purchase properties or not, and also add some more dollar amounts to the money. I give Monopoly Junior a rating of 4/5. We would like to thank Influenster Canada again for sending our family out this free Hasbro gaming VoxBox to review we really appreciate it, because of your generosity we now plan on purchasing other Hasbro board games to continue our new found tradition of family #GameNight.

Thank You To Influenster Canada For This Opportunity To Review This Gaming VoxBox For Free, All Of The Opinions Are My Families Opinions Only! I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

The Centen's

Friday, November 21, 2014

My November 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag Unboxing Youtube Video

By Charlene Centen

Hey Everyone I Just Made My 1st Ipsy Unboxing Video If You Want To See What I Got In My November 2014 Girl Meets Glitter Ipsy Glam Bag Checkout My Video 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Charlene's Apple Pie Apple Sauce

Wash 8 apples, then peel them, remove the cores, and chop them up roughly. Toss the chopped apples in a bowl with 1/4 cup of white sugar, (if you like your apple sauce more tart and less sweet add less sugar, you can always taste it and add more if needed) 1/2 tsp fresh ground cinnamon, and 1/4 tsp salt. Add the apple mixture to a pot and add 1 1/2 cups water bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 20 mins or until the apples are very soft. Remove from the heat and let cool for about 5-10 mins then mash with a potato masher, this will make it a little chunky and very authentic, if you like a more smoother texture feel free to use a food processor instead. Then let cool in the refrigerator until your ready to serve. You may also eat it hot if you like, in my family we we enjoy it both ways, we love this recipe with pork tenderloins or chops! This apple sauce really tastes like an apple pie filling, I hope your family or company enjoys it as much as my family does, I would suggest doubling this batch, it's not your grocery store apple sauce! 

Charlene's Apple Pie Apple Sauce Recipe 
8 Apples Peeled, Cored And Roughly Chopped
1/4 Cup White Sugar
1 1/2 Cups Water
1/2 tsp Fresh Ground Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Salt 

Remember It Is Always Easy To........
 Eat, Sip, And Be Merry!

With Love
Charlene Centen

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Past Beauty Box 5 Boxes For August, September, & October 2014

Beauty Box 5 is another monthly subscription beauty sampling service, that I belong to. For just $12 they deliver 5 deluxe samples and full-sized products right to your door every month, if you live in the US shipping is FREE, if you live in Canada it is an extra $3 for shipping. You may also decide to sign up paying recurring quarterly payments of $30, or recurring yearly payments of $99. I signed up in Oct 2014, I decided to go with the monthly payments of $12 there was no waiting list so I was told I would receive the Oct 2014 box and I would receive it within  2-3 weeks because I live in Canada. So I pay $15 a month to subscribe to Beauty Box 5, with the exchange rate it ends up being $17.43 CAD, I have no problem paying that price to be introduced to things I never tried, never knew existed or always wanted to try, it's great because there is a lot of cosmetics out there so sometimes it's hard to know what is worth your time and money. At the time I was signing up Beauty Box 5 was doing a special where you buy October's box and you get September's beauty box for FREE, so that made joining a no brainer for me, who doesn't want 2 beauty boxes for the price of one? While I was checking out they offered to rush me out a bonus beauty box as well for only $10, so being a lover of beauty products I took the bait so I would be getting 3 boxes in total from Beauty Box 5 for the month of October. The rushed beauty box ended up coming a day before my October & September beauty boxes so I am not too sure about the rushed part, but I was just happy to get new products! The bonus mystery beauty box ended up being the beauty box that previous subscribers got in August 2014, I was not sure why they didn't just say they would send me August's beauty box, but again I was just happy to get more new products. You'll notice Beauty Box 5 comes in boxes, they do not send out a bag every month so this is great for recycling. So here is what I got from Beauty Box 5 for August, September, & October 2014....

My August Beauty Box 5 Box

The Products

I normally don't use any hair care products I get in my boxes as I need special and certain types of things for my type of hair, so I always end up giving the hair care products to my oldest daughter, I have 3 daughters they are half Black, part Native (Canadian) and part White so they can use lots of different hair products, so if the products can be used on all of them I am happy. I use the Roux-Anti-Aging Hair Serum Leave-In Treatment on my daughters hair and so far we like it, it is very easy to use you only need like 8 sprays, and it makes the hair look and feel silky smooth, you can see a nice difference in how the hair appears, it looks refreshed and alive, and it smells very good for $11.99 I think it would be worth buying again after this bottle is done. I was never into nail polishes before getting Beauty Box 5 Boxes, because one I was a very bad nail bitter, so I never have nails to paint, and two if I wanted painted nails that requires me going to a nail salon and getting acrylic or gel nails applied to give me nails that look good enough to paint! It seems to me that Beauty Box 5 Boxes always have a nail polish in it, so I figure since I would be getting all this nail polish I should try and use it, so about a month ago I started trying to STOP biting my nails, I have been very successful, I have only bitten my nails once, it was the first week I started growing them out, so now that I am not a nail bitter anymore I have been treating my nails at home, and practicing my painting skills, I am still not the best nail painter but I am getting better with time, and my nails are growing quite nicely, I am so proud of myself, I was a nail biter for 30 years! lol So NO more! I am going to save a lot of money now on nail salon visits too, so that is awesome! The Style Essentials-Nail Polish is a cheaper nail polish so I did not expect to much from it, it is clear nail polish with white and teal colored glitter and some cut out shape flakes looks like confetti, I find you need a few coats like 2-3 to really get a good look with the confetti because they move with every stork of the brush. I like adding 2 coats on top of my favorite colored nail polish to add some sparkle. I am in LOVE with the La Fresh-Travel Lite Facial Cleansing Wipes, they work very well, I use them to wipe away makeup, and it does an amazing job, these wipes are great because you can feel the product on them, they are made with ingredients like Aloe vera, cucumber, chamomile, marshmallow & tea plant botanical extracts, they are perfect for all skin types. I love that they actually lather too, you can tell that they are conditioning as well as cleansing, and are not cheaply made like some wipes on the market, I can get a whole face of makeup of with just one wipe! They smell really good too. I also love that they are perfect, and easy to travel with, and also biodegradable & compostable wet wipes. I will defiantly buy some more full size packs these have became a makeup bag favorite! I really like the Pūr~Lisse-Pūr-Protect Essential Daily Moisturizer With SPF 30 Sunscreen the formula is not too thin or too thick, it rubs into the skin very easy and well, it does not feel heavy on or oily, it feels great on. I love that it has SPF 30 Sunscreen in it, and doesn't have a very strong smell of it, as I find some SPF Sunscreen moisturizers can have a strong smell to it and that turns me off! I enjoy using this sample size product however I do not see myself buying the full size product because I don't feel like I loved it enough to pay $55 for a full size bottle, and also I already use a daily moisturizer that I know and LOVE, I just happen to sell the stuff too, so I 
will stick to Younique's Divine Daily Moisturizer, they say if it's not broken don't fix it, I am totally in love with Divine Daily Moisturizer so it would take a REALLY AMAZING Moisturizer to make me part ways with it! I like the Nanacoco-Lip Gloss the color is Popular, the formula is rich and glides on my lips nicely, the color is nice and bright I have no problems rocking this color, the only thing I noticed is it can sometimes start to clump on my lips and can give a pasty appearance, so I really dislike that, I noticed that if I apply lip chap first to my lips it makes the lip gloss appear a lot smoother and it does not get pasty, the price is not bad at all so I think I would consider trying out some more colors in the near future. Over all I was very happy with is beauty box most of the products are things I am into, The only brand I had heard of before this beauty box was Nanacoco,  I always wanted to try this product but never did before Beauty Box 5, the other 4 brands and products were all new to me. I got 3 full size products and 2 deluxe size samples in this beauty box, I estimate the cost of this beauty box to be around $41.04. 

My September Beauty Box 5 Box

The Products

Sally Hansen-Toe Spacers $1.99

Natural Style By Fubu-Moisture Shine Deep Conditioner & Co-Wash $1.00

There is not much I can say about the Sally Hansen-Toe Spacers, they do what they were made to do, it helps to have them, and I love the color and design of them however I can't say I was excited to see these included in my box because Sally Hansen-Toe Spacers are not new to me, if I wanted or needed toe spacers I would just get them from a dollar store! I was very happy to see Natural Style By Fubu-Moisture Shine Deep Conditioner & Co-Wash, because I am familiar with FUBU but I had not clue they made hair care products, these are defiantly products I could and would use on my type of hair, but since I already agreed to give my daughters my hair care products I decided to just use it on their hair. I am very happy that Beauty Box 5 was nice enough to throw in two packets of this product because I feel it is so hard to tell with hair products especially with very little product. To use this product you just wash your hair the apply Natural Style By Fubu-Moisture Shine Deep Conditioner & Co-Wash to the hair and comb it through to the ends then let it stay on the hair for at least 5 mins then rinse out. We really liked this product, we wish we had a bit more to sample but it did make my daughters hair very soft, silky smooth, it helped detangle it. Her hair looked real healthy after, we both liked the look and feel of her hair, and it has a very nice smell to it. I will defiantly look into getting some more of this product and hopefully more for their hair care line. I like the My Beauty Spot-Nail Polish the color is purple, I love the color, it takes two coats to get my desired color, and seems like a pretty nice quality nail polish, I would consider buying more colors but I have a feeling I will never need to because every month Beauty Box 5 will most likely send me another nail polish! I have to say I LOVE the Nicka K New York-Eye Light Crayon the color is Bronze I LOVE the color, it is very rich and pigmented, a little goes a long way. The color is perfect for my skin tone! I love the retractable pen applicator it makes it super easy to apply, I love it because I use it as my quick go to fix for a quick and easy eye look, this stuff is a blessing on days when I want that pop of color on my eyes, but don't feel like messing around with all my loose mineral eye shadows! This eye crayon glides on easily and effortlessly, you can just leave it as is or it can be blended out. These crayons come in 14 different shades I will be sure to get them all! The Dr. Lin Skincare - Acne Spot Corrector contains natural, active botanicals, and 5% benzoyl peroxide and also hydroquinone free. The Acne Spot Corrector is said to even out your skin tone, reduces the red and dark marks left behind by acne damage, kills acne-causing bacteria at the source, treats and minimizes inflammation, dries out blemishes fast. I personally think this product does treat and minimizes inflammation, and helps dries out blemishes fast, so I don't doubt it kills acne-causing bacteria at the source. I do not get red when I get acne so I can't say if it reduces the red marks, however I can say I have not seen a reduction in my dark marks left behind by acne damage. I will continue to use this product and there is a chance I may purchase the full size product to keep in my makeup kit for times I get one or two pimples, which is not too often, thank the lord! This beauty box was my least favorite box our the three boxes, I just feel like the value was a little on the low side compared to the other two boxes, I did enjoy most of the products I just didn't find this box to be super exciting. The only brand I have heard of before this beauty box was Sally Hansen, so the other 4 brands and products in this box were all new to me. I got 3 full size products and 2 deluxe size samples in this beauty box, I estimate the cost of this beauty box to be around $16.98.

My October Beauty Box 5 Box

The Products

Bellapierre Cosmectics-Cheek & Lip Stain Color Is Pink $19.99

I am in love with the Lashem-Picture Perfect Instant Wrinkle Reducer, it does what it says it will do, and that is instantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles by filling in and smoothing them out. The minute you apply this product to any lines you can feel it starting to work it's magic, you feel a slight tightening, then you see the reduced appearance of the wrinkles. It also says that it  hydrates delicate eye-area skin and diminishes dark circles, which I had no clue it could do because their was no instructions about that on this sample, so I am excited to try it on my dark circles as well. Some other key things I love about this product are it is paraben free, this is huge for me, I love to find new products that are paraben free. It is also prostaglandin free, fragrance free, and hypoallergenic. It is dermatologist tested and ophthalmologist tested. It is on-acnegenic (won't clog pores) another big one with me because I was wondering if it would fill in my pores as well, I thought that can't be good! lol It is PETA certified cruelty free (not tested on animals), and made in USA. This is a all around great product, I recommend it and I will purchase the full size product for myself for sure. The Extend Your Beauty Cosmetic Tool is one product I have yet to try, only because I have yet to get to the bottom of any cosmetics as of yet, I have no doubts that this products will come in handy, because who doesn't hate throwing products away without using every last drop? I love that this product is said to be dishwasher safe, that is a great way to sanitize it after each use. I like the Nanacoco-Nail Polish the color is Ocean Breeze the color is very nice, it is very good quality nail polish, it takes about two coats to get my desired color, and it dries fairly fast, I would recommend this brand of nail polish, like I said before I would buy some more colors if I needed some but I think Beauty Box 5 has me covered for nail polish forever! lol I really love the Chap Stick-Hydration Lock Day & Night Skin Protectant Sunscreen it is super cool because you use one end during the day time and the other end during the night, this products is awesome and works well my lips always feel properly hydrated I carry it around everywhere with me, and when I run out of it I will purchase another one, I was lucky enough to get a coupon in my beauty box to Save $0.50 off of one so that is a bonus! The Bellapierre Cosmectics-Cheek & Lip Stain in pink is one of my favorite products in this beauty box, I love versatile products. I was a bit scared at the brightness of the pink in the pot but once I applied it to my cheeks I noticed it is really just a light hint of pink color. I have yet to try it on my lips but I look forward to that. You defiantly want a powder to set this product so maybe something translucent. I would recommend this product and plan on trying out some more of their colors soon. I have to say this was my favorite beauty box out of all three boxes as I prefer to get all beauty products, and everything was stuff I enjoy trying. The only brands I have heard of before this beauty box were Nanacoco, and  Chap Stick, but I never tried Nanacoco nail polishes or Chap Sticks Hydration Lock Day & Night Skin Protectant Sunscreen before this beauty box, the other 3 brands and products in this beauty box were all new to me. I got 4 full size products and 1 deluxe size sample in this beauty box, I estimate the cost of this beauty box to be around $40.75.

Beauty Box 5 is a newer subscription sampling service so there is not too much structure put into place at this time, you can not earn any points for reviewing products or for referring friends to Beauty Box 5. It says their referral program is currently under development and will be completed in the near future, and that they will contact us as soon as it's ready for us to share! So I look forward to seeing what they put in place for us in the near future, for now I will just continue to receive my monthly beauty boxes and share them with you all. I am so excited to see what I receive in my November 2014 Beauty Box 5 Box, which should be in my hands within the next week. 

Love Your Beauty Box 5er,
Charlene Centen

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sneak Peek Of My November 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag

If you are a fellow Ipster you already know this, but some people who are not subscribed to Ipsy may not know that Ipsy has this enticing way of sharing little sneak peeks of some of the products they have chosen to add to subscribers glam bags! So every couple days they we add more and more sneak peek pictures to their facebook page till you can't take the suspense no more, then they send out an email saying.......

So no matter how hard I try to wait for my glam bag to arrive in the mail, and be totally surprised by the goodies inside I never seem to have enough will power! To date I have only had one glam bag that I waited for in the mail, the surprise was awesome but the wait seemed like it was killing me, and seeing more and more Ipsters posting their sneak peeks just made the wait so much more painful! lol The title of this blog post says it all, you know I cracked again, I took the early access bait, I think it was because I was seeing so MANY products I was excited to try, so I just had to know once the information was available what Ipsy was sending to me this month, so here it is, I am sharing it with you all, this is what is in the mail on it's way to me any day now my November 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag...........

The Theme is Girl Meets Glitter, I'm not sure how much glitter is in the products within the bag, but glitter or not I'll take it! The actual glam bag however is very GLITTERLICIOUS! I think I just made a word up!! WHAT!! Anyway by the looks of this glam bag I will love it, it is very girly, and sparkly!

So my first thought is that this looks almost like the perfect glam bag for me! If I had to choose the products myself I would have chosen 4 of the 5, I ended up getting most of the products I was hoping for so I am super excited to get my hands on this glam bag, and try out these products! I have never tried any of these products before seeing them featured on Ipsy's facebook page. I have only heard of Be A Bombshell Cosmetics, and have been wanting to try their products but never got around to ordering them. If Ipsy didn't select these products for me I would have never known about these other four brands or the products they carry. I do know Marc Anthony but I had no clue he made hair products. 

The Products 

I am happy to try this product and feel that the color will suite me perfectly! I have been waiting to try some Be A Bombshell Cosmetics so I really can't wait to get my hands on this. I always see my favorite Youtuber's using some form of base on their eyes, and I have yet to try it so I feel left in the dust, this is LONG overdue!

I am excited to try this product because I have been waiting for 3 months for an eyeliner product, I love the color of it, looks like it has a bit of a sparkle to it from the glitter, I can't wait to see it on, and I am so happy the wand looks like it is very thin I think that will help me in practicing my winged liner.

I am a sucker for lip products so I am very excited to get this and try it out. I do not know yet if I am getting it in Mad Splatter, or Red Potion, either one would be fine by me, I could really care less I feel like I can ROCK and one, but I guess if I had to choose by the looks I would choose Red Potion it looks like it is darker and I am really into that right now! 

I think I am the most excited about trying this product because I think it will help me with setting my concealer when I highlight and contour. Also it comes with a mini fan brush, so new brushes are always a bonus, the addition of the fan brush makes me feel SUPER LUCKY! Because I am really getting six products this month! I am also a little scared too because I wonder how this product will look on my skin tone.

I am the least excited about this hairspray because I really don't use these types of hair products in my hair however I do give a my hair products to my daughter so I know she will be excited and happy to try it. I am a HUGE fan of Morocco Argan Oil so I am happy that this hairspray contains it, It should be great for my daughters hair.

So now it is just a waiting game, I have a feeling It will arrive Monday afternoon, I'll keep you posted, and try not to go cray cray waiting for it to come, It's like Christmas month after month.

Love your Ipster,
 Charlene Centen

My Past Ipsy Glam Bags For August, September, & October 2014

So I decided to blog today about something that is NOT about the Eat, that is NOT about the Sip, It is about the Be Merry. One thing I love to do to stay Merry is subscribe to monthly subscriptions Ipsy was my first go at it, I went on their waiting list back in March 2014 and received my first box from them in August 2014. For those of you that may have been living under a rock and don't no what Ipsy is, it is a monthly subscription service that each month subscribers receive a beautiful glam bag with deluxe samples and full-sized beauty products, this can be hair products, makeup products, skincare products, nail products etc. You can pay for a whole year of subscriptions for $110 or you can pay for a month by month subscription, I chose this option so it costs me $10 a month to join however us Canadian peeps must pay an extra $4.95 for shipping, so that is $14.95 a month, but I am not done yet we also have to pay the exchange rate so once you turn $14.95 into Canadian dollars it ends up costing us $17.36 a month for our subscription to Ipsy. I find a lot of others complain about the cost whether American or Canadian when they don't get a bag they don't like, I don't blame them I guess who likes feeling like they are wasting their hard earned dollars? However I joined Ipsy so that I can get new products I never heard of, never tried, always wanted to try, things I may not be able to afford full size for full price etc. So I treat each glam bag as an experience I am willing to try anything they send me at least once, and if I ever feel like I am wasting my hard earned money I can just cancel and move on to the next subscription! But I don't think I ever will have to because Ipsy ROCKS! Some things I love about Ipsy is the cost is not too much even with the hassle of the exchange rates, trust me it is so worth it, this is coming from a devoted wife and mother of 3 that really doesn't enjoy sending money on myself! It makes me feel special once a month without putting a dent in my bank! So it's totally hubby approved well at least in my house. I also like that they make you take a quiz and ask you questions about what styles your into, your hair color, eye color, skin tone etc. Then they take your answers and send you products every month they think you'll love. I swear it feels like Christmas every month when the mail man or mail woman hands me that package! I say hands me because I basically stalk him or her! lol every month Ipsy has a new theme for the products we will get that theme could be anything one month we had "Beauty Candy" I remember all my products smelled good, and some smelled sweet like candy. A great thing about Ipsy is when we try the products and love them, then we can order some more of the product from the companies website and Ipsy gets us codes to use for different percentages off, so that saves us from paying full price, these are one time savings but any money saved is fine by me, I've had save 50% off some products so it really is great. Also every month they also send your products out in a different beauty bag hence the glam bag. Yes that is 12 different bags a year, but I don't mind because I love them all so far, and I have found different ways to put them to good use, like I will pack certain products that I like to use together, and have them always at an arms reach which helps with traveling, like I do LOTS of that! lol Or if I am ever going somewhere over night it's great to just grab a bag and go and I have a look for however long I can get away. Now I would like to take a minute to do a little throw back of all my past Ipsy Glam Bags.

My First Ipsy Glam Bag EVER!! 
My August 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag

The Theme
Beauty Schooled

The Products

I loved everything in this glam bag, it certainly felt like they really listened to my quiz answers, it was not bad at all for my first bag. At the time I received this glam bag from Ipsy I had only heard of Coastal Scents and Urban Decay. I never tried any of these products or any of the brands in this glam bag before Ipsy sent them to me, so this stuff was all new to me! If I had to pick a favorite product from this bag I would ask to pick two because if you knew me you would know I am a lip gloss junkie so I fell in love with the Absolute Lip Balm right away! Let me take a second to apply some to my lips right now! Yes I still have it, it is a full size sample, the flavor is grape it smells like Hubba Bubba Bubble GumOk so my second choice would be Urban Decay's Perversion Mascara, I sell Younique for a living and we have a product called Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara it is AMAZING so AMAZING I vowed to NEVER, EVER wear normal mascara ever again, it's either 3D or none! Since it came in my glam bag I told myself I must at least try it once and compare it to my 3D mascara, I feel in love with it instantly as well, it made my lashes look amazing too! When I compared Urban Decay's Perversion Mascara to Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes MascaraUrban Decay's Perversion Mascara it just didn't give me the length that looked like false lashes like Younique's 3D Mascara does. But now I decided I can wear Urban Decay's Perversion Mascara daily when I just want a little mascara and then go, or when I don't feel like having falsie looking eyelashes, for those reasons it will be my go to mascara when I am not rocking 3D mascara. I got one full size product in this glam bag and 4 deluxe size samples, I estimate the value of this glam bag to be around $29.25. As for the actual glam bag all these products came in it was just OK, I didn't expect to really carry this one around because I did not like the material, I ended up however using it as a nail product bag so it is loaded with nail polishes, nail care products, nail files, etc.

One Coat Of Urban Decay's Perversion Mascara vs One Coat Of Younique's Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara, which do you think looks better?

                                                 My September 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag

The Theme

Street Style

The Products

I had mixed feelings about the products in this glam bag. I feel that once again Ipsy had certainly listened to my quiz as I love lip glosses, eye liners, facial cleansers, brushes are always a welcome, hand lotions are fine too. At the time I received this glam bag from Ipsy I had only heard of Crown Brushes, but I had never tried any of their brushes, so once again this stuff was all new to me! I am a HUGE fan of moisturizers, whether it is for your body, face, or hands, I moisturize from head to toe daily, I can't survive without lotion, trust me it is so BAD that once my Hubby asked me if I was stuck on a desert island and I was aloud to have on item what would it be, I told him lotion, like it could help save me! But I told him it would be the one thing that could keep me sane! lol Anyway I'm trying to say I was so happy to be trying a new lotion product, Mitchell and Peach Luxury Hand Cream, right away I was disappointed a bit, I did not like the feeling of this hand cream on my skin, it felt very thin, and did not feel like it was moisturizing my skin enough, when I chose lotions for myself I want to feel the lotion on, I don't mean an oily or heavy feel, but I just want it to feel like I applied something to my skin, it also smelled of perfume which is not my thing when it comes to lotions, I don't mind fruity smells or light flowery smells but I hate lotions that smell strong or like perfume. I am always excited to try a new Facial Cleanser because I am very BIG on taking the BEST care of my skin possible, and it pays off because I get lots of compliments all the time, and I don't really need to wear any makeup, I just fell in love with it a year ago when I discovered Younique. Some things caught my eye about this Nourish Organic-Moisturizing Cream Face Cleanser, like it is organic and supposed to moisturizing made with ingredients like cucumber and watercress, it is also a fragrance-free formula, alcohol-free, gluten-free and vegan so I thought this has to be a awesome cleanser. It says that this cleanser is gentle, washes away impurities without drying, irritating or causing redness, it will penetrates deep into pores to dissolve dirt, oil and makeup. The cucumber in it hydrates and soothes while the watercress is rich in antioxidants, helps protect skin from free radical damage, so this all made me super excited to try it out! I knew right away it would not be my favorite facial cleanser because it was not as creamy as I expected, it didn't lather in anyway, and when I washed it away my skin felt slightly clean, it did not feel like it was giving me a deep clean at all, so I highly doubted it was penetrating deep into my pores or even dissolving dirt, oil and makeup! It did however stay true to not drying or irritating my skin, so I feel this maybe great for someone with sensitive skin, however I personally have dry skin so I need a cream facial cleanser that adds moisture to my skin. I did use the whole bottle but I knew I would most likely never buy a full size bottle ever. So now to my favorite thing is this glam bag the CAILYN Art Touch Tinted Lip Gloss color is Love Affair, I love this lip gloss the formula is very rich, it guides on my lips smoothly and effortlessly, it doesn't have a annoying smell to it, and the color seems like it was made for me, it is gorgeous and looks AMAZING on me, I am defiantly excited to order some more of CAILYN Art Touch Tinted Lip GlossesI got two full size products in this glam bag and 3 deluxe size samples, I estimate the value of this glam bag to be around $46.82. As for the actual glam bag all these products came in it was very edgy and I loved it, it is one glam bag that I will actually carry around with me, I have already loaded it with some of my favorite products so I can just grab it and go whenever I need to.
                                          My October 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag

The Theme

Beauty Candy

The Products

This was another awesome glam bag once again it felt like Ipsy was listening to my quiz answers as you know now I LOVE hand creams, lip glosses and facial products so I was exited for more things to try that were of my favorite things to receive. I also really love highlighters so that was also welcomed. I guess I can say I was the least excited about the eye shadow but only because as you also know I sell Younique so my presenters kit came with 30 eye shadows so I just felt like NOT another eyeshadow! At the time I received this glam bag from Ipsy I had only heard of MicaBeauty but I had never tried any of their products, so once again this stuff was all new to me! I ended up loving all the things in this glam bag but the Starlooks Lip Gloss, this was not a color I would pick for myself but when I tried it on I knew with a nice lip liner I could make the color more suitable for me. It had a sweet smell to it like butterscotch I loved that about it! So here is what I did not like about it, one it did not glide on easily the formula was very thick, and made my lips feel sticky all things I hate in a lip gloss so I would not wear this all the time nor do I think I would purchase a full size. I actually had an issues with the first one that was sent in my glam bag, and it was not Ipsy's fault, the lip gloss came packaged in a wrap that was obviously done at the companies factory, however when I removed the wrapper there was a small hole in it, and the product was running out, I emailed Ipsy and told them my issue and they mailed me out a brand new one right away and apologized for the issue, I was very happy that customer service was so helpful and didn't hassle me in any way!

                              My damaged Starlooks-Lip Gloss color is Guilty Pleasure

So now the things I loved about the rest of the products, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the MicaBeauty-Mineral Eye Shadow in the color Reluctance, it turned out to be a very nice color on me, and was very pigmented so a little goes a long way, if I am ever looking for some new eye shadows that Younique does not offer I will defiantly consider ordering some of their eye shadows. The Figs & Rouge-Hand Cream in Mango & Mandarin & Shea Butter has everything I look for in a hand cream the formula is just right not to thin, not to think, not greasy, and it is easy to rub in. It smells like I could eat it! You can smell the Mango, the Mandarin and Shea Butter, it smells so sweet perfect for our "Beauty Candy" Theme, it is the hand cream in my purse at this time. The Doll 10 Beauty-H2Glo Highlighter in Champagne is one of my favorite products, it is very light and has a nice feel, it goes on smoothly and blends nicely it gives you a perfect glow, I love to highlight my cheekbones, the center of my nose, my brow bones, and my cupids bow with it, a little goes a long way, and I am interested in trying some more products from Doll 10 in the near future. My favorite product from this bag is the Épicé International-Purifying Exfoliate, I don't even know where to begin it was LOVE at first try! Épicé International recommends you use this product once or twice a week, and they say it is great to use all over the body, I don't doubt that but I do not have enough to give that a try. This is what Épicé International says about this product it's a unique exfoliate which removes excess dirt and dead skin cells all while activating collagen production and hydrating your skin. This moisture rich formula utilizes mild, non-irritating and anti-bacterial cleansers with micro-fine poly spheres which enhances skin texture and clarity for a clean, fresh appearance, you will begin to see improvement in the look and feel of your skin. I found all of this to be true, this exfoliate is not like any others I have tried you can feel it working on your skin, you feel the deep cleaning and you can see a difference in your skin right away, you feel a difference in your skin, you defiantly feel your pores opening up and you will see that they don't appear to be so BIG after using this product. I love that a little goes a long way so you can get many uses out of this product even my deluxe sample size product is lasting me and I use it twice a week! Épicé International says the benefits of this products are micro-fine poly spheres gently exfoliate removing excess dead cells and environmental debris. Exfoliation helps open pores, which increases excretion of toxins. It is packed with emollients, humectants and barrier protectors to hydrate dry, irritated skin. It makes your skin smooth as it cleans. The exfoliates are very fine to so I think it is great for all skin types. I also love that is is super easy to use, all you do is moisten your skin with lukewarm water. You can use the Purifying Exfoliate alone or  Épicé International recommends using it with their Hydrating Facial Cleanser. Apply the Purifying Exfoliate with your fingertips in a small, circular motion while avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes, when your done leave it on your skin for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly. I would recommend trying this product, and I can't wait to buy their 5 piece skincare kit it costs $119.00, however Ipsy gave me a 50% off code to use on any products, one time on Épicé International's website, so my first time ordering this kit I will get it for $59.50, like I said before Ipsy ROCKS! I really think this a line I could use for a lifetime especially if all their other products are just as AMAZING as the Purifying Exfoliate! I got two full size products in this glam bag and 3 deluxe size samples, I estimate the value of this glam bag to be around $41.76. As for the actual glam bag all these products came in I love it, it is my favorite glam bag so far, I love the material, the design and the color, this glam bag is just my style, I love to carry it around with me! It is loaded with some of my favorite products, that I use on a daily bases, so once again I can just grab it and go whenever I need to. 

Just a few more things you should know about Ipsy you earn rewards points for doing different things like: 

  • Member bonus: Earn 100 IpsyPoints just for joining!
  • Referrals: Earn 250 IpsyPoints for each friend referred through your unique referral link.
  • Product reviews: Earn 10 ipsyPoints for each product reviewed in your Glam Room.
  • Glam Bag review: Earn 10 ipsyPoints for reviewing your complete Glam Bag.
  • Sharing your Glam Bag: Earn 5 points for sharing your Glam Bag’s arrival on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Question of the month: Earn 5 points for answering the question of the month and sharing on Facebook or Twitter. 

You can then redeem these rewards points to get monthly bonus items in your Glam Bag, most of the bonuses start at 1000 points however the do from time to time have a 500 points bonus. The only thing I hate about these rewards points are the earn 250 IpsyPoints for referrals because not everyone knows this but Ipsy on rewards you if your friends click on your link within 24 hours of you posting it, so as of yet I have not had any referrals that clicked on my link in 24 hours so when my friends signed up on my link I got nothing because the link expires after 24 hours, this sucks so much because I know like 10 people that signup for Ipsy because of one of my posts! That's like 2500 points out the window! Ipsy REALLY needs to change that! You get your own glam room that will tell you what products you will be getting in the current months glam bag if you want to know, if not I suggest staying out of your glam room till your bag arrives to keep that element of surprise, I have only been able to not look once out of the three months! lol It is so hard! You do all your reviews and the quiz in your glam room, you many take the quiz as many times as you want as your tastes change. 

Ipsy also does a special deal twice a week every Tuesdays and Thursdays there is a new deal they call it ipsyMe. IpsyMe is a way to discover great beauty products and amazing offers from the brands that Ipsy loves. Unlike the glam bag, IpsyMe is not a subscription, so you pay whatever price Ipsy advertises if you want to purchase that deal. All IpsyMe finds are available in limited quantities, and offers are available while supplies last, so you need to jump on the ones you love as soon as you get the email or get the post on facebook, because before you know it, they are all gone! Most of these deals are AMAZING and well worth it! 

This is Yesterdays IpsyMe you get a set of 4 J.Cat Beauty Lip Paint Wonderland for $15 + free shipping these products are normally a $20 value plus shipping. I would have LOVED this IpsyMe deal however the one last thing I hate about Ipsy is that they do not offer IpsyMe to their Canadian subscribers, which totally sucks! I have no clue why they can not offer us these deals, I would be happy to order some even if I had to pay shipping! This is another thing I hope they will change asap!

So far I am loving most of the concept of Ipsy, It keeps me guessing, it shows me new things, it makes me try new things, and sometimes makes me try things I would never purchase myself, and It is awesome. They also give us some great deals and coupon codes, some awesome perks to earn, and give us many chances to win products from brands we'll love every month. If I ever get products I don't like so much that I would never find a use for them, I am sure I can find a family member or friend to take them off my hands! I am excited to be receiving my November 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag any day now, until then I will keep stocking my mail man or mail woman! 

Love your Ipster,
 Charlene Centen