
Friday, September 11, 2015

My Little Secret Review

By Charlene Centen

I received the Secret Clear Gel Deodorant for Free thanks to Secret and BzzAgent, I am already familiar with Secret products as I already use their invisible solid deodorant daily, I already love their products so I was excited to give their clear gel deodorant a try. Today I was the perfect day to test it out as I had a busy day filled with getting my two kids ready for school, making lunches and getting them off to school, then there was cleaning, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, moping, and taking out garbage. After all that you would think I would have to re apply my deodorant, but I did not and then walked to the grocery store for about 1 hour carrying 4 huge bags and pushing my daughter in her stroller, did I mention it was very HOT outside? I was sweating when I returned home, and I still had to walk half way back to the store because my daughter had lost a shoe, then I walked back home again, had to put away my groceries, make lunch, put my daughter down for a nap then start  preparing for dinner. Then it was time to pick my other daughters from school. Then feed them, more dishes, more sweeping, then homework, then bath's and preparing them for bed, would you believe I only had to re apply my deodorant once after all this crazy day line up? Here are my thoughts on Secret Clear Gel Deodorant, I normally don't use clear gel  deodorants as I could never find one that makes me feel comfortable and confident that it will last but Secret suggests their protection will last up to 48 hours, I did not find this to be true at all, after about 8 hours I was feeling the need to re apply this product. I love the scent of this clear gel deodorant, It is Cocoa Butter Kiss, it smells fresh and very fragrant the  scent lasts for hours.  I feel like this gel deodorant is by far the best gel deodorant I have ever tried, and it has changed the negative way I have thought about gel deodorants in the past, it offers good protection that lasts for hours, however it did not live up to the 48 hours for me personally. I always fear white marks and this deodorant also claims to be white mark free which was another thing I did not find to be true, I have to admit it does not leave as much white marks as other deodorants but there is still some there, and it also leaves a little white  deodorant residue beads around the area it is applied.  I did not like the consistency of the gel once I applied it under my arm pit it felt wet and sticky it is a feeling I did not enjoy it made me feel uncomfortable and the feeling lasts until it dries which took way longer then I expected. Over all I feel like this is a good gel deodorant it offers good protection that lasts at least 8 hours with little white marks to damage your clothing, it also smells great, I give it a 3 out of 5 because I personally would not give up my normal Secret invisible solid deodorant for the clear gel, however I would recommended it to anyone that likes to use clear gel deodorant.  Thank you Secret and BzzAgent for allowing me to try out this product. #ClearlyBetter #GotItFreefromSecret 

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Remember It Is Always Easy To........
 Eat, Sip, And Be Merry!

With Love
Charlene Centen